Fully Automatic Penetrometer – ToniFORCE 6420


The ToniFORCE is a fully automatic penetrometer for recording the setting behaviour of building materials like 3D printing concrete, cement, gypsum or mortar. The recorded data allow the determination of both the setting behaviour and the penetration resistance.


A great milestone for Toni Technik: ToniFORCE


Key benefits for the user:

  • Accurate electronic measurement of the penetration depth
  • Measurement of the penetration force (by precision force transducer based on strain gauges)
  • Fully automatic test execution
  • Stand-alone operation (no PC needed)
  • Ambient temperature recording
  • Test protocol in PDF format
  • Connectivity to “Laboratory Information Management System” (LIMS) via integrated LAN interface


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The penetrometer is based on a single-axis high-resolution linear actuator equipped with a force transducer. An integrated temperature sensor permanently records the change in ambient temperature.

By simple and fast exchange of the penetration needle, various penetration shapes can be applied.

ToniFORCE is designed as a precision measurement tool for the operation under laboratory conditions.


Operating Principle

The instrument is controlled via touch screen display. After test parameters and sample identification have been defined and the test procedure has been set, the tests can be started directly. Following the penetrometer performs the test fully automatic, shows the measured values and saves the results along with the test parameters in the database.



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