Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany and around the world several sectors were highly affected. The associated economic perception, services for test facilities and test systems are clearly in the conflict area between customer expectations and specifications for protection and hygienic measures. There are also extensive travel restrictions, which has become a global challenge for all companies. For both customers and service providers
Necessary calibrations of testing machines are due for the upcoming audit, maintenance contracts need to be fulfilled, suddenly occurring problems in the execution of the existing production and quality control need to be solved as soon as possible. These are all problems of our customers which pose enormous challenges to our Toni Technik service in times of contact and travel restrictions. Service assignments are planned with a lot of experience according to priority and available capacity and are carried out according to the current situation on site with the appropriate distance to the customer and the required hygiene measures. Ultimately, however, human contact during mechanical work cannot be avoided by a long way, especially in the service department.
Toni Technik has been offering online service support (via TeamViewer) for some time now. We are working on innovative online service concepts, especially with regard to the after-corona time, in order to continue to guarantee optimal service for all customers and service partners worldwide.