Hello Mr. Weber and thank you for answering these quick questions we have prepared for you
Let’s start: We know that you are an experienced engineer who has worked in several companies with a focus on cement. Could you tell us more about your previous experiences in this field?
I have been working in the construction materials industry since almost 25 years. I started as a process engineer optimizing the cement plant equipment, followed by being part of various project teams for the construction and modernization of new and existing plants. Later, I had several times the responsibility as plant manager and managing director for cement plants at various locations and finally supported the European plants at CEMEX in developing opportunities to reduce the CO2 output.
Good! We’d like to know now your motivation to change to Toni Technik. How did you prepare for this transition? What was your driver that made you make this decision?
Until last year I knew about Toni Technik only as one of various suppliers for equipment used in the construction industry. However, during my studies I had to make some physical tests of building materials with a Toni Technik machine. Now after 25 years working in cement plants all around the world and having another 15 years to go, it was time for me to make the next step. At the same time, I was looking for a new personal challenge. Today, rather than purchasing and using material testing equipment, I have the role to innovate, develop and of course finally to sell. That is a challenge, which I really appreciate.
Would you like to share with us how the last six months have been for you working for Toni Technik? We would also like to know what is coming to fulfill the expectations of our customers.
I’m proud to be part of this great team. We can build on many existing good ideas and further develop them into products, which underline our ambition to be the premium supplier for testing equipment to the construction industry. Health and safety must be an undisputable feature of Toni Technik equipment. There are already various options. Nevertheless, H&S is for me always worth to go the extra mile and create solutions to protect our customers. ‚Industry 4.0‘ features so many opportunities, which will improve the reliability of test results, allow better planning of service and calibration routines, reduce the manual work load of lab staff and finally will help the customer, to reduce overall cost and improve the quality of their products.
Thank you Mr. Weber! And welcome to the Toni Technik Team.