It was a great pleasure for us to present and introduce our new development: ToniFORCE developed for 3D concrete printing material testing at the “Baustoffanlagentag 2022” (Building Materials Plant Day) on 11.05.2022
We would like to thank VDMA for inviting us to the event ‘Construction machinery and building material solutions for 3D concrete printing’ and all other participants for the knowledge exchange. Special thanks to PERI SE for the great guided tour to their 3D-printed house in Weißenhorn.
The next step in the development of 3D concrete printing technology is in Lindau, Bavaria. The PERI 3D concrete printing team realised an extension to a residential building. Based on an idea and planning by the architectural office BODENSEE ARCHITEKTUR, a new floor was printed in an existing single-family house and implemented with BALDAUF GEBÄUDEDRUCK. It is the first time in the world that this procedure for adding a new floor to a residential building is carried out with a concrete 3D printer. (Source: